Rave and Festival Etiquette

August 18, 2022
Written by Nikki Adams, Lunchbox team member
Whether you're new, experienced, or returning to the festival scene, it’s always a good idea to be familiar (or get a refresher) with rave and festival etiquette. The EDM community was built out of peace, love, unity and respect. So, here are some tips and tricks to ensure great vibes for everyone attending.
General Tips:
- Come with an open mind - For many people, raves and festivals are a chance to escape reality. Don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone! Be open to new experiences, new music, and meeting new people.
- Judgment free zone - Rave and dance culture emphasizes self expression in all forms. Break free from societal norms and don’t judge the way people dress, dance, or spend their time.
- Respect the people around you and their personal space - Yes, we get it, crowds occasionally get packed and you might accidentally bump into someone. If it happens, politely apologize and keep moving along. Heck, even fan the crowd as you pass through, dance your way through, or simply smile.However, under NO CIRCUMSTANCE should you purposely touch someone in the crowd. It is a violation of their personal space.
- Look out for those around you - Whether it’s a friend or a stranger, if you see someone that looks like they are in an uncomfortable situation, provide assistance. This applies to someone that might need medical attention, is lost, or if someone is bothering them.
- SAY EXCUSE ME. No explanation needed.
- Stay hydrated! Drinking water is essential while being in a crowd outside or in a packed venue. Dehydration can cause serious problems and decline your energy. Pro tip: bring your Lunchbox Hydration Pack or Sling Pack so you have a refillable source of water ;)
- Bring earplugs! Protect your ears and avoid hearing damage. PLEASE.
- Bring Kandi! Kandi trading has been around for years. It is a great way to meet others and keep memories after a festival.
- Keep info for an emergency contact. In the case where your phone battery dies, don’t have service, or lose your phone… write down emergency contact info before your event and keep it on you. TIP: make a piece of kandi with the emergency contact number on it.
- Dress comfortably. Wear whatever makes you comfortable. Make sure to break in those new shoes before a big festival!

- Do not take videos or pictures of people that might be vulnerable at the time and post them online. Nobody wants to see themselves ending up as a meme for people to make fun of.
- Don't cut lines. Be patient. Yes, you will get to use the bathroom, fill up your water, get your food/beverage… Just wait.
- Don’t be disrespectful towards the artist playing. If you aren't enjoying a set, you don't have to make a big deal out of it. Also, if you have a rail spot during that time… maybe give it away to someone who would appreciate it.
- Don't forget sunscreen! Sunburns and music festivals aren't the best mix.
- Don't get overly intoxicated. Pace yourself and enjoy the music.