What is PLUR?

September 09, 2020
PLUR is a term commonly used by ravers and festival goers that stands for Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect. This is a set of values and a mentality that ravers have spread across the community. It can often be associated with a rainbow, because the full spectrum of colors symbolizes all the different energies we may represent, and how beautiful we all are together. It is about creating an environment that seeps inclusivity from its core and allows everyone to come together as one while celebrating each of our uniqueness. PLUR allows us to celebrate individuality and oneness at the same time.
“You all need to respect each other and if you see something happen, get involved to stop it,” - Frankie Bones
New York DJ Frankie Bones created the original concept of PLUR in the 90s and it was originally known as the Peace Love Unity Movement (PLUM). During a warehouse rave, a fight broke out and the DJ stopped the show, got on the mic, and highlighted how important the virtue of respect is in the rave community! As such, the R for ‘Respect’ was added to the acronym, and PLUR was born.
We're all in the scene to have a good time, listen to music we love, and exist in a place together for a night or weekend in peace. This is not the place for bad attitudes or fights. Encourage those around you to say please, thank you, excuse me, etc. We celebrate internal peace and external peace, caring about ourselves and each other!
This one is pretty straightforward -- spread love! Love is unconditional, so we give it with no expectations. It is the core of good vibes, so if you are living from a place that loves and cares about everyone, you're doing it right! A hug or some kind words can go a long way to spread love in the crowd.
We're all united in this one place for the same reason, a shared love of music. People are coming together from all walks of life to experience something special. Do not judge those around you for how they choose to express themselves.
Respect yourself, respect others, respect the space/venue. Remember the golden rule- treat others the way you wish to be treated! Consent is so important to creating the most comfortable and accepting experience possible. There is no space for judgment or criticism, and remember to show empathy for the experiences and feelings of others.
“We can only hope you do not care to judge us, because we would never judge you.” - The Ravers Manifesto, Maria Pike
The PLUR Handshake and Trading Kandi
Each letter of PLUR pairs with a motion, making a special handshake that leads to trading Kandi. Kandi bracelets are made out of round pony beads and letters, and they often include kind or funny messages. These are handmade, so the time and attention to detail makes this jewelry even more meaningful. Trading kandi is a wonderful way to show PLUR in the moment, and is a long standing tradition within the rave scene. If you are seeing your favorite artist play a show and you see someone else going extra hard, this would be a perfect opportunity to spread love and trade them a piece of kandi! These inexpensive yet significant mementos can create lasting memories and encourage others to pay the PLUR values forward. People also create perlers, cuffs, and other items to share with friends at raves.
The PLUR handshake has a specific movement to accompany each of the values in the PLUR acronym.
Steps for Trading Kandi:
- Peace - you and a partner each make a peace sign with your fingers and touch them together.
- Love - each person makes a half heart with their hand, and connects together to make a whole heart.
- Unity - both palms will be pressed together with fingers wrapped around each other to hold hands.
- Respect - all fingers are interlocked together.
- Trade the kandi! Each person takes a turn to take a kandi bracelet from their own wrist and pass it over the joined hands onto the other person’s wrist.
- A hug often feels necessary after such a positive moment, ask the other person if they are comfortable with this– and then, HUG IT OUT!
How to live with PLUR in your life?
At the end of the day, PLUR stands for looking out for one another, taking care of each other (even strangers), accepting others as they are, and making everyone feel welcome. It's a feeling, it’s a mindset, it's a way of life.
We are all equal here! We come together to break free of the pain and hardship we often find in our day to day lives and take shelter with music. We leave hate and all forms of discrimination at the door. A lot of people feel misunderstood in their daily lives, but living with the values of PLUR and putting all differences aside to celebrate each other creates unique, loving friendships. We stand side by side with complete strangers, but somehow all feel the unequivocal understanding of acceptance that beams through us like pure joy. Keeping all of these things in mind, just being a good person, an understanding friend, and a kind stranger can make a positive impact on yourself and your community.
If you see someone at a show that might not be feeling their best, take a few minutes to check on them. Asking if you can help them get some water, if they need to be fanned/cooled off, or just chatting with them can go a long way! Most people at raves have positive intentions, so taking a second to really listen to someone's needs could potentially help their situation immensely. If you think someone might need the help of the medical tent, don’t hesitate to bring them. The medical staff is there to help in any way they can!
If you want to join a community of PLUR-minded people, join the lunchbox fam! We’re a group of thousands of ravers all around the world, and when you see a lunchbox in the crowd, you are never alone.